Our fields look a bit different now! After 3 months of sprouting and growing, our fields of AAC Connect, Lowe, and CDC Churchill have ripened and changed from a lush green into a beautiful golden.
The weather continued to be hot and dry, however there was a good dew most nights that helped balance the weather. As terrible as the forest fires are the one benefit from them has been that the smoke helped to reduce the temperature during the day.
Despite the dry conditions, our crops continued to do surprisingly well. We are very lucky to be in this area of Central Alberta that has seen 5.5 to 6 inches of rain this year. Most of the prairies are much dryer, and yields will be much lower with supply concerns for the malting industry, the food industry, as well as the livestock feed industry.
Our barley looks good in the fields, and we're hopeful that after harvesting it, our malting trials and specs will show the same quality. We are going to harvest the peas for the next 3 days, and then the barley harvest will begin. Wheat and Canola are still a couple of weeks away.