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Malt of the Month May 2022: Chocolate Malt

Malt of the Month May 2022: Chocolate Malt

Chocolate Malt

For deep flavours and beautiful colour additions, get ready to fall into the richness!

After we complete the malting process (steeping, germination, and kilning,) we use our custom malt roaster to create this beautifully rich and complex malt. Our roaster is similar to cooking a steak; like during the grilling process of meat, we're visually assessing the malt as we roast it. As the malt leaves the roaster and cools, it's still deepening in colour. 
Consistency in our batches come from experience, meticulous note taking, and great skill!

Available through Red Shed directly, or through Country Malt Group

For Whisky
Chocolate refers to the rich colour of this malt. For flavour and aroma, expect strong coffee flavours. Dark malts can deliver on consumer demands for innovative flavours in whisky.

For Beer
Our roasting process adds dark chocolate and coffee attributes to the malt that comes through nicely when brewed. 

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