Penhold Pilsner
Low colour without sacrificing flavour! By selecting the right variety of barley with the right specifications, we are able to give this malt a full kiln regimen without picking up excessive colour. We are delighted with the result. This base malt will yield wort that is light straw in colour with flavours of arrowroot cookies or a healthy breakfast cereal with a splash of creaminess. Aroma’s are fresh baking with hints of honeydew melon.
Flavour: Fresh hay, wildflowers, summer meadow, faint ripe pear. Freshly baked bread and subtle honey finish

Variety matters, all grain brewers are entitled to demand more from their malt. More flavour, more consistent brewing performance and more flavour stability are all possible by choosing a variety bred for craft brewing.

Craft Malsters, like Red Shed Malting, are developing new products to make more beer styles possible out of only Canadian Ingredients.