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Industry Inclusion

Industry Inclusion

Our industry is calling for change as women en masse are breaking their silence on how they've been treated.

Starting on Tuesday, May 11 the beer and hospitality industries have been sharing their working experiences on Instagram, Reddit and Twitter with Brienne Allan of @ratmagnet, prompted by a single question:
What sexist comments have you experienced?

1000+ responses worldwide have been posted, and more are flooding in. A clear picture has formed that the industry experience for women, marginalized groups and LGBTQIA2+ includes sexism, misogyny, racism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, and sexual assault, among other things.

"This past week has been heavy, as a woman, as a member of the industry and most importantly as a mother. Our industry needs to do better.
When Susie, Morgan and I joined the pink boots brew this year Isabella was puzzled why there was a special brew day just for women. Her innocence was brilliant." - Daelyn Hamill

Red Shed Malting is an inclusive space for all, and we do not condone abuse, misogyny, homophobia, racism, or sexism displayed towards any persons. 

We hope one day that inclusivity is what our industry becomes known for. Until then, we're going to keep the conversations going, and empower those who are sharing their experiences. 

Some women may not be ready to speak about their experiences yet, so we ask that you wait for them to share with you, if they choose to. Lots of grief, trauma, and suppression to work through right now. Being supportive and listening if someone chooses to share their experience with you will help.

Red Shed Malting is a safe space. At events, festivals, or anywhere you see our team - if you don’t feel safe, please come to us.  

For support, please contact:
Canadian Women's Foundation

More resources:

Stories of Sexism Pt.1-10
Anonymous submissions to @RatMagnet 

Story highlights have the responses to the question "What sexist comments have you experienced?"

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